Deaccession. Define deaccession. deaccession synonyms, deaccession pronunciation, deaccession translation, English dictionary definition of deaccession. v. de·ac·ces·sioned , de·ac·ces·sion·ing. deaccession — deaccession, de accession de accessionv. t. [de + accession. English → English - deaccession. v. remove and sell a work of art from the collection of a museum or gallery (particularly with the purpose of raising raise money to purchase other art works) n. work of art.
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With its echo of Freud in the title, Deaccessioning and Its Discontents is as much a fascinating, penetrating study.
Deaccessioning is part of collection management.
Deaccessioning — the permanent removal of objects and art from a museum's collection — has been at the forefront of many discussions around public and private collections of late. deaccession. Deaccession definition, to sell (a work of art) from a museum's or gallery's collections, especially with a view to acquiring funds for the purchase of other works. Interesting post about #deaccession practices, which often factor into how #museums address #forgeries discovered in their collection.
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