Eisteddfod. A list of the donations received over the years to the prizes' funds and the general funds of the National Eisteddfod of Wales. From Welsh eisteddfod ("session"), from eistedd ("to sit") + bod ("to be"), literally "being sitting".
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His commitment to the Eisteddfod has been exemplary, forever promoting our festival and photographic exhibition of the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod.
Define eisteddfod. eisteddfod synonyms, eisteddfod pronunciation, eisteddfod translation, English dictionary definition of eisteddfod. n. pl. eis·tedd·fods or eis·tedd·fod·au An annual competitive.
Eisteddfod — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Eisteddfod es una festividad de origen galés, que comenzó a celebrarse en el siglo XII, cuando el conde Rhys ap Gruffyddd de Deheubarth organizó. Eisteddfod definition is - a usually Welsh competitive festival of the arts especially in poetry and singing. Perfformiadau gan Yr Eira, Ani Glass a Gwilym.
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