Temple Of Ephesus. At Ephesus, where her great temple was one of the seven wonders of the world, Artemis was represented with a mural crown, with a disc behind the crown; on her breast, a garland of flowers, as. It is believed that the construction of the Temple was financed by Croesus.
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Ephesus, or what is left of it, lies in the western region of modern day Turkey.
Unfortunately, nowadays a visit to Ephesus Artemision brings a big disappointment, comparable to It is because a single column and a bit of rubble remained of the Temple of Artemis to our times.
At Ephesus, where her great temple was one of the seven wonders of the world, Artemis was represented with a mural crown, with a disc behind the crown; on her breast, a garland of flowers, as. The Temple of Artemis was destroyed and reconstructed for several times through history of Ephesus. Temple of Artemis, temple at Ephesus which was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
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